The Croatian Competence Center for HPC will participate in the international conference of the EuroCC and CASTIEL projects, which will be held in the period from September 7 to 9 at the Hotel Mediteran in Bečići, Budva, Montenegro.
This is the first edition of the international conference within the framework of the “National Competence Centers in the Framework of EuroHPC – EuroCC” project and the CASTIEL project, and will bring together more than 200 experts from 33 member states of the Joint Undertaking for European High Performance Computing (EuroHPC JU).
The conference will deal with topics from the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) and related areas such as the analysis of large data sets on HPC resources (High Performance Data Analytics, HPDA), artificial intelligence technology (Artificial Intelligence, AI), machine learning, parallel programming, computer simulations, etc. Emphasis will be placed on advanced e-infrastructure, the key component of which is precisely HPC, which contributes to the development of modern science and is key to many advanced researches.
More details on the conference program can be found here. Find more information about the conference here. More information on the Croatian Competence Center HR HPC CC webpage.